New Feature Exhibition in April March 19 2021
April 3 - 24, 2021
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 3, 4-7 PM
Riitta Klint, The Language of Trees, acrylic and pencil on Claybord, 36 x 72 inches
About the Exhibition
Riitta Klint’s third solo exhibition at Arts on Douglas titled Intangible, is a new series of paintings exploring the transcendent beauty and mysteries of nature. These abstracted landscapes begin with thin veils of paint that she drips and pools onto a Claybord ™ support to congeal and settle organically, outside of her control. Klint elaborates, “I work intuitively within these initial drips and pools, searching for structure. Each successive stroke of paint or pencil mark continues to build a dreamlike, otherworldly place. The mood is one of nature untamed, enchanting, and rife with hidden secrets.”
Riitta has traveled extensively through Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, with impressions from these experiences making their way into her work. This can be seen in her representation of Balinese pagodas in the piece Bali Rain. Other paintings, such as Circles in Time, are more abstracted references to the landscape. The viewer’s proximity can also play a role in how Klint’s paintings are experienced. Aria, for example is a bold, colorful composition from afar, but when examined up close, an intricate network of lines and shapes weave through the piece. Each painting in this body of work, Klint explains, is “a continual transformation of material and medium into fantasy where a magical alchemy occurs, beckoning the viewer to keep returning to pick up a new thread in a continuing conversation with the work.”

Left to Right:
Riitta Klint, Aria, acrylic and pencil on Claybord, 48 x 36 inches
Riitta Klint, Circles in Time, acrylic and pencil on Claybord, 30 x 30 inches
About the Artist
Originally from Finland, Riitta Klint maintains studio spaces in Miami, Florida and Fort Worth, Texas. She received a BS in Fashion Design and Textiles from the University of Texas at Austin, spent time in the corporate world as the Human Resources Director for a national restaurant chain, and then, in 1999, decided to follow her passion for the arts and went back to school to receive her BFA from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. She has completed commissioned projects for the Pinnacle Housing Group’s Vista Mar building in Miami, as well as the Fisher Island Links golf clubhouse and Atlantic III at the Point in Aventura with Geller Design Group, Inc. She has also exhibited her work widely. Her most recent solo exhibition titled Ethereal, was presented at the Museum of Arts and Sciences in Daytona Beach, Florida.