Gene Roberds
Select Press
Artist Exhibitions
- June 2011 - Past Perfect Sale Extended!
- July 2011 - Go Figure: Contemporary Interpretations of the Figure

Artist Statement
My paintings begin as a series of small watercolors executed on location. Since I usually work in a boat, I am able to reach remote wilderness areas away from civilization and bothersome onlookers. I feel strongly about the documentary aspect of painting these areas that may not be here much longer.
My large oil paintings are from many of the small watercolors. They are a little impressionistic, a little expressionistic, but are mostly fabrications of abstract brush stroke patterning, calligraphy, and color.
It is an ordered arrangement of abstract parts that result in a composition that is conceived abstractly and should, I believe, be perceived or understood in that realm. Subject matter is only an excuse or reason to begin a painting.
The result is a painting that satisfies my involvement in the abstract structure of composition and reads representationally as well.